jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

Porque todo cambia...y desaparece

Hola, e vuelto nuevamente al blog despues de un largo tiempo de inexistencia.  muchas cosas buenas pasaron el veranoo..enumerarlas nop van al caso...volvi a santiagoo
en fin..no es todo malo empece con practicas...odio a la vieja de mierda que tengo de tutoraa...ella tambien no le caigo bienn..pero no por esoo perdere la fuerzaa ya que yo estudio por mii no por ella
aajajajjaj como que na que ver que escriba esto aquii..peor sii estyoy osiosoo..hoy unj dia slaiente de turno que e tenidoo bastantes ideas en la mentee que me hicieron dudar de algo ...y nose porque...no podriaaaa pero pasoooo.....incluro ya haciendo planes de pruebas y postulaciones....encerioooooo...

no aguantoooo...el tiermpooo pa ver the lost canvas..quieor vacaciones
en realidad nose lo que quieroooo...
quizas una nueva pololaa...la tuve dure menos que nadaa
no en realidad noo..no tengo tiempo

soy incoherentee...
fuck me xD akakakakakak

martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010


Un día se me ocurrio sacarme fotos, y bueno a la gente normal le horroriza ver fotos con poca ropa
en realidad es basicamente porque su pobre cultura se lo impide. El cuerpo es una herramienta mas
para expresar el arte al igual que la musica y la danza, si no existe el instrumento no hay arte.
Siempre e creido y estoy seguro de ello, que quizas Chile no está preparado para mis ideas, ajaja
demas revolucionador mi comentario pero es verdad, yo quizas no soy humano y pertenezco a otra
era en la cual se permite todo lo que pienso.
Bueno no tengo mas que escribir, ya que me pondre a estudiar a full para el examen del viernes
minimo un 6 sii, claro que lo logro..y al fin ocurrio el milagro MIIM, no habian mas opciones ya que
los superiores ya se habían enterado y bueno espero que con lo que comenté no sea mas tutor, que se
dedique a la direccion no mas de su escuela con eso le sobra.
Ya nada queda para regresar a mi patria y vivir las aventuras. Lastima que esas aventuras no sean como
las que se viven en Narnia, pero da igual al fin de cuentas en un futuro incierto llegare a Narnia  y disfrutare
de la compañía de Aslan y toda la magia .
Ahora solo queda, que corrija errores y sea una mejor persona.

atte. Shitaro

pd: Arriba foto mia...

y abajo la creacion de katycion!!!

sábado, 11 de diciembre de 2010

No tengo amigos...tengo a mi FAMILIA

Los amigos, algunos los definen como los hermanos que Dios te da aqui en la tierra a pesar de que no lleven tu sangre, otros simplemente son un verdadero soporte para sus días.
Un amigo siempre estara ahi en las buenas y las malas, siempre te ayudara, aunque peleen estara alli para perdonarte y apoyarte..sera tu pañuelo de lagrimas..cuando tengas algo que no quieras contarselo a nadie..tu amigo te comprendera xD
Que creoo de todo lo expuesto arriba..que es basura..me da risa,   Perdón por reirme se que para el 98% de la población es así,  pero no es mi caso y basicamente tiene que ver con la forma de vida que me toco vivir y que agradezco y agradecerè por el resto de mi vida terrenal.
Mi familia es mi pilar y unico soporte, gracias a mi mamá y papá tuve una infancia con valores y mucho amor ellos dieron todo el cariño que necesitaba hasta que mas amor no necesitara es decirrr....para qué buscar cariño en un amigo si ya lo tenía todo?
En realidad esto pude ser una desventaja a veces, porque cuando ingrese en el colegio obligatoriamente tuve que relacionarme con  demas niños y en realidad no em caracterizo por ser sociable y sentir cariño por otros..no soy malo si veo que me entregan cariño yo simplmente lo devuelvo porque asi fui formado..no soy el ser perfecto pero trato de serlo xD (que no se malinterprete)
En realidad si tengo amigos son muy pocos..a veces hay gente que me ve como ser extraño..tengo muchas ideas contrarias a la sociedad..y me da igual..
porque si tuviera que desaparecer toda la tierra seria feliz siempre y cuando tenga a mi mamá. papá, mi pao y mi mamita. Es verdad es que quizas algunos no lo creen pero somos una familia happy..ajaja
hacemos todo juntos..creo que otra familia no hay..tratan de ser como nosotros pero no les funciona...
o dicen ser felices pero no lo son..se guardan rencores y demases..se engañan..
solo viven del interes de lo material...buscan el consuelo y la confianza en otros en lo que denominan AMIGOS..yo no....
Familia creo que no leeran esto..y bueno ustedes lo saben
Los amooo..y siempre los amaree...y aunque la muerte algun dia nos separe en esta tierra...yo se que nuestro lazoo sera mas fuerte..yo creo en la magiaaaaaaaaa.....siiii........
bueno y con los amigos..dejo pregunta abierta
creen que los tengo???

lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2010


That is great..very fantastic ajajaja
na que decir me fue como el OYO en el examen de Ingles ( nada que ver con mi percecpcion) pero me da igual  porque ese ramo lo odiaba..y bueno ahora lo odio mas porque es el ramo q exa a operder mis buenas calificaciones
en finnn....algunos dicen que el lenguaje universal es el ingles
opino que no....el unico lenguaje que es y se enseña igual aquii y en la quebrada de la aji es LA MUSICA...
la negra, las cuartinas, la llave de Do, FA, SOL, las alteraciones, ritmo es el mismoo
adiooo y byeeeee bye ajajajajajajjaajjaajjajajajajaja

domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2010

Cadena de Flores

El recuerdo de un adios días lejanos que se van
pinturas viejas en el desván
que el tiempo encontrará

Acuarelas de amistad
en rojo y gris
y alli estaré
cada vez que al sol reir
resista el amor

Ese cuadro que pintamos tu y yo
corazón de un lienzo que no ha perdido su color
Si tus manos y el calor
se funden con mis sueños hoy
¿Por qué morir?

No hay una razón
no hay ningún porque
si morir y amar se enredan
hilos del amor
cadena de flores

Lloraré tu adiós
y reirá el dolor
pero amarte en esta vida
es desistir, luchar entre la eternidad
Ganar en pie solo yo

sábado, 4 de diciembre de 2010

Fin de año y nueva era

Hola bueno aqui me encuentro cerrando este año, si bien comparado con el año pasado puedo decir que este año fue mucho mejor aunque puedo destacar dos grandes cachos que realmente estoy muy feliz de haber terminado: el primero el MIIM, un ramo que deja bastante que decear..en realidad quizas el ramo no es malo de hecho yo era muy feliz comentando y particpando en el foro, pero me toco un tutor como las weas..si es verdad como las weas...no me revisaba las sintesis..y no valoraba lo que escribia...en realidad una lata ya que si yo no me ubiera dado la lata de escribir la pàrte de informacion nadie lo hubiera hecho..si me llega en cuarto a tocar con ese señor..obviamente pido el cambio y tengo mucho argumento para sacar
...ya lo pense sera mi primer persona fichada en la lista de los personajes que no quierp recordar : Death Note auspicia.
El segundo ramo: INGLES...es verdad, la profe un 7 que mas decir era exelente como tal..lamentablemente el horario asignado para este ramo como que no calso nunca..yo verdaderamente anhelaba que termine..solamente disfrutaba hacer los blogs ya que Ingles nunca fue mi ramo preferido ni siquiera en el colegio...pero lo importante que puedo sacar a diferencia del miim es que en cierta parte igual aprendi cosas que antes desconocia...
Bueno inaguro mi ex blog de ingles con esta nota, ya que ahora me dedicare a solamente escribir en español y navegar por blogger...pienso que es una nueva iniciatva para poder percibir lo que otros sienten
y quizas psicopatear a los demas desde un punto de vista mas psicológico...
es verdad soy un poco friki pa mis cosas pero bueno que se le va a hacer.
Hay muchos proyectos que se vienen, para las avacaciones..por mientras aun quedan los exmenes de la carrera como tambien el de fisiopato farmaco..solo quiero terminar mi carrera  pronto
ya que en santiago no tengo nada ni a nadie..solo me tengo a mi..en el sur lo tengo todo (amigos y mi familia)
Hay varios aspectos que corregir aun...sigo confiando en personas que no lo valen..a veces ayudo y luego no me responden...realizo copsas sin sentido y en realidad no ees necesario...no debo de olvidarme del gran objetivo que fue venir a Santiago
buscar mi TITULO..nada mas...luego que pasa esoo..mi memoria borrara de mi cabezaaa todo aquello que solamentee esta presente....
En Santiago vivo el dia a dia, con una forma diferente al ser que soy
En el sur..soy yo y vivo cada momento como si fuera el ultimo

Hasta la proxima que me ire a duxarr---

Shitaro KIRA

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

English's experience (the end)

During this year I had an English course in stage preintermediate-intermediate. The teacher was Claudia Trajtember and her metodology was based in grupal activities, oral interactions and this Blog's sesion.
The purpose of this course is that you can to expres through speech and writing. In my case was a new experience in this course because, before I had english class with Judy Baker and with other clasmates, however in this year, I could to by with my friends (Katycion and Paulie).
My first activities was in group. I feel a little scared because, now in the class was other clasmates.
The most complicated of the first course (pre-intermediate), was the oral dissertation and I was very confused with the election of topic, but I thought in my favourites obstetrics's topics and I decided to speack about Stem Cells and the semester had an end with the oral interaction. Katycion was my oral clasmate, but the topic was a big problem : technology in my carrier, because in spanish I have not information about this topic.

In the second semester, Claudia presented us to Guillermo (Odontology student). He was an help for us and teacher in the development of this course.
The activities was in group, couples and many listenings. I'm very bad for listening and always I have dream in this test. The last activite was an oral interaction with Katycion, and we decided to practice, a big mistake because we seemed robots and the purpose of oral interaction is to demonstrate that you can comunicate with other people of any topic.
Also, we had Blogg's session that are importants in the development of the writting expresion, "is a new world , for to develop other techniques in writting comunication.

Finally, this courses had one impact in the development of each person in English learning ( oral and writting)for that in a future, we can speak with profesionals of other countries.

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

My last free post: DEATH NOTE

Hi guys!
I'm very nostalgic, because this is my last free post. I love the free post because I can to choose topics that are part of my life.
Today I'll to talk about one anime serie that this year, changed my view point and my identity: Its name is death note.

Death Note is an anime, based in the Tsugumi Ohba's manga, was adapted at 2006 by Tetsuro Araki and has 37 chapters and 3 Live action (movies). The story tell us, about an exellent boy called Light Yagami.He was tired of injustices in the world (crime, murder, rape etc) and Light thought that his life was a tired routine.
One day, he found a black notebook that in its cover was saying: DEATH NOTE. This note had many blank pages but any black pages were different because had intructions for to occupy the death note.
Any instructions are:

1) The human whose name is written in this note SHALL DIE.
2) This note will not take effect unless the writer has the persons face in their mind when writing his/her name.
3) If the cause of death isn't specified. The person will simply die of a HEART ATTACK.

When Light reads this, he say himself: it's false!. However in other day, he attempts to kill a rapist with the death note and he discovered that D.N is real. After of five days, in the Yagami's house appeared a Shinigami (death's god) called Ryuk, who explained to Light how to use the rules of Death note.

Light decides that he will be a god of new and perfect world...This objective will to be destroy by a detective,that is called L.................

I discovered this serie, because my friend DiegoFroztdragon tell me about one anime very interesting, and I thought: he is crazy ajajajaj,,,,but is real, my life changed,,,,,I'm very crazy with this anime...and other animes for example (SAINT SEIYA ehehehehehehehe and others).
Now, I accepted my OTAKU's condition ajajajjaja....

Well, I hope that you read my blog and if you want to watch Death note, I am sure that will to change your lifes.
Anime for ever...
bye and sorry, but this is my last free post.

Shitaro KIRA.-.-.-.-.-.-.

pd: I have one death note,,,,,

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Skills...Neural Connections and more!!!

Hi clasmates!!!
Today I'll to talk of an experience of the last thursday with Dr. Maldonado about myths and truth about the human brain.
For a long time I thought that was actually something specific that has defined limits, but with this exposision any perceptions and ideas changed.
According Dr. Maldonado a person is not more intelligente if he has a big brain. In the intelligence the most important is the number of neural connections.
This connections serve to establish different patterns of adaptation to the environment, for example very procces as to play an instrument, to sing, to dance,to memorize, to act, to talk and feel are provided for neural connections.
This is logical, from physiology's view point because for to generate a conduc is necessary to stablish level connections to cerebral cortex.
I am very sure that many people thought as me : 
A big brain = A big head = intelligent person
but....what happened with Albert Einstein???
Einstein was a great scientific with one higher IQ but ,,,How was the Einstein's brain?
his brain was very normal and small, however probably he had many neural connections because during his life Eintein trained his brain through of a constant study and he had the capacity of read more...moreee...moreeeeeee information.
I agree with this information, because in my life I have learned and developed any capacitys for example:
-I play Trombone, Charango, guitarr, quena, Tuba, clarinet
-I have any condition for ballet as a good cordination and flexibility.
-capacity for to memorize
I think that the neural connections help me in the development of new skills!!!

well...this is my information post

Bye byeª!!!!

Shitaro KIRA

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Stress...do you have stress?

Hi everyone!.
Today I 'll talk about a big problem of our society, its name is Stress....but: What is it?

Stress is your body's natural response to external factors, for example: to study for any test, a discussion with the  family, to pay debts, the work and others.     This factors can to change your internal balance.
The physiological result of this process is a desire to escape the situation because we, (as humans) want to feel good (for to found the total happiness) and we want  have not problems.

In stress's replay, very organs and biologycal function are implicate in this process:
-Nervous system
-Blood Flow

The change in stress is chemical, for example in a stress's situation: 

The brain sends chemical signals that trigger the secretion of hormones (catecholamines such as adrenaline) in the adrenal gland.
Hormones initiate a chain reaction in the body: the heart beats faster and blood pressure rises, blood is diverted from the intestines to the muscles to escape danger, and the insulin level increased to allow the body to produce more energy.

This reactions ( in short time) aren't bad because because they actually allow us to defend ourselves from danger, but if this situation persists can become harmful to the body's functions. 
The signs and symptoms most importan are:

-Skin changes
-Sexual dysfunction
-Increased heart rate

Given the lack of response to physical treatment, the doctor may recommend some form of psychotherapy, or combination therapies with drugs such as short-term measures. However, overall drug use isn't recommended as long-term solution. In these cases it isn't recommended the use of alcohol. 

I Believe that the most important is the security that one's self. With this assurance we can achieve the objectives and tackle the problems.

Every problem has a solution, you should  find the answer!!!!
Bye..see you later
Shitaro KIRA.

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Facebook spreads Syphilis ? OMG (:O)

Hi everyone!!
Today I'll talk about a notice about facebook and its relation with an ITS (Syphilis)... what? yes our facebook. Pay attention!!

Facebook is a real Syphilis's propagator!. This was the title of a news's entry in March 26 (In the Guardian.co.uk). According Media, Facebook is a web site in that you can to comunicate with unknown people and to stablish an affective bond with their.

This stories come from a press release and quotes from NHS Tees, in which the director; called Peter Kelly described a rise in syphilis in his area, and explained that during contact tracing, some people had mentioned having sex with people they met through the internet.

This situation is alarming for us in the sexual education, but...What is
the storie's background? What is the Facebook's opinion?

The prejudice again Facebook is based in a reporting of Sunderland. This reporting talks about consecuences of a sexual relation with unknown people. Facebook opened its doors to world at 2008, however in the last ten years increased the statistics about syphilis.

In really the direct relation of Syphilis with Facebook is not clear and the main cause of this problem is the misinformation about sexual problems.
An example similar to Facebook's case was in Birmingham mail.

This situation is a public health's problem because people do not want to learn about sexuality ( an good education in topic).

In conclusion Facebook is not responsible of to cause Syphilis, "Facebook was used for to justify a problem in the sexual education.
Is important the education and information about this public health.

This for today, the link of my notice is in:


Bye, bye......see you later!

lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010

It's my Opinion!....Levonorgestrel

Hello friends. Well I was very sick and I could not go to Dr. Valenzuela's exposicion.
Really I have not the necesary argument for writte about this topic, however I read the paper by Dr. Valenzuela that is important, elemental and necesary for my carrier because this document talks about emergency contraception. This topic is important for my future formation and in this POST,I will express my opinion. (ajajjaa)

For differents reasons,(My family's education,favourites topics, my carrier and religion) I think that emergency contraception is the best human's invention because I belive that an unwanted pregnancy is a real problem in the life of people.
Is an ethical problem? Who defined that is good or bad?

We are imperfect!!, and we can make mistakes. In chile and other countries uses a contraception called levonorgestrel.
In low condition, levonorgestrel is used as oral contraceptive but also Levonorgestrel is used as an emergency contraceptive pill in combination with so-called Yuzpe method, which includes estrogen, as in a unique formulation of levonorgestrel.

The mechanism of an emergency contraceptives are:
-Void Ovulation
-Blocks the transport of sperm
-Transform endometrial's walls and void in the implantation.

The efect is during 72 hours (after an unprotected sex)

I believe that is very necesary for us, to know this information because a midwife canes the responsability of comunicate to people about this metod.

Well, It is my opinion about this emergency contraception!!
I hope that you have a good holidays!!!!

bye bye.... rudy

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

Death note (song of opening)

The World - Nightmare (completa)
Hirogaru yami no naka kawashiatta kakumei no chigiri
Aishita yue ni mebaeta aku kara
Kore kara saki otozureru de arou subete o
Dare ni mo jamasaseru wake ni wa ikanai kara

Kajitsu ga tsugeta mirai
Risei o wasureta machi
Kuroku yuganda ima o
Yume, risou ni kaeru

Doushite? Boku wa kowareta meshia?
Dare mo ga nozonda owari o…

Hirogaru yami no naka kawashiatta kakumei no chigiri
Aishita yue ni mebaeta aku kara
Kore kara saki otozureru de arou subete o
Dare ni mo jamasaseru wake ni wa ikanai

Itsuka boku ga misete ageru
Hikarikagayaku sora o

Doushite? Boku wa kowareta meshia?
Dare mo ga yumemita rakuen o…

Hirogaru yami no naka kawashiatta kakumei no chigiri
Aishita yue ni mebaeta aku kara
Kore kara saki otozureru de arou subete o
Dare ni mo jamasaseru wake ni wa ikanai

Itsuka boku ga misete ageru
Hikarikagayaku sekai o

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

It isn't a free post!!!

Hi friends!, I hope you are well and prepared for 18's holidays. Today I will talk about a boring topic... well, in really, I'll want to writte about an anime that changed my life: Death note; but my teacher decided that the post is about a film. (It isn't a FREE post!!!!!!!) Uff..boring, boring and boring
O my god, the next post will be about death note!!

Today, I with my classmates watched a film based on health's systems of Canada, Usa and France and also in the binomial: Health - Money.
Everyone has the right to access health and is very stupid that for haven't money, a human is deprived of to be cured and to live well. Which is the principle of medicine? Only materialism?

I think in general that society is corrupt ( Katycion, I am talking as Light Yagami of Death Note ajaj) and is forgotten of the true nocion of Health.

UsA, according film is a materialist country that wants to convert the hospitals in supermarkets in where you have to buy your life, very terrible no??
However for example in Canada and France, the development of Health is hight and this system has the true principles that medicine need: to Help and To Cure.

Countries as Canada and France have an access public for people, funding is through taxes, but always to the benefit of all persons. People can to have a well life.

In a future, will be ideal a system as Canada, France in Chile, for help to health's society.

Bye, and sincerely in the next post...I hope a free post...A REAL FREE POST...

My name is Kira and I have a shinigami called Ryuk!!!


jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

Saint Seiya : Tenkai-hen Josou overture

Hi Friends!
Today I will to talk about one of my favourites movies :Tenkai hen Josou overture. Is the fifth movie of the animes series called: Knights of the Zodiac or Saint Seiya and is the continuation of Hades's saga (Second Holy war, between Athena's Knights and Hades)

This film was directed by Shigeyasu Yamauchi and is based in the original story of Masami Kurumada.

"After of the Second Holy War, Seiya remained in a vegetative state because Hades launched its curse on him.
Seiya is tended by Saori Kido (Athena), in a house far from the Shrine. One day, Athena is visited for her sister called Artemisa. She (Artemisa) says to Athena, that gods want to destroy the Earth because the humanity are corrupt.

Athena and her knights will have to save the Earth from total destruction...".

I like this movie because is about my favourite anime: Saint seiya (In a previous Post I wrote about this serie ). I believe that Saint Seiya is a perfect combination of fantasy, Mitology and Human values as frienship, responsability and "Search for truth".
I think that this topics are important for me and I feel that my life is influenced for this anime.
I will be a Knight of the Zodiac...........

Tenkai hen Josou is only a continuation of Saint Seiya's story.
I not remember how started this fanaticism because from child I like Knight of the Zodiac.
I saw this film for the first time, when I was fifteen years old.

I hope that you see this movie. For Athena.....Rudy:___________

martes, 29 de junio de 2010

Enjoy every minute ( Hung up by Madonna)

Save the last post!!!

I am very happy for tell you about my favourites topics, my opinion and my life's activities.
I think that with my blog, I learned to express my feelings and to improve my vocabulary and grammar.
Today is my last post for this time, but the important of this methodology is:

- I can express my view point about a topic, for example education and prevention that are important in my career.
-I can demonstrate to people that read shitaro's blog : "The importance and main characteristics of Obstetrics and the aplications in Health".
- My classmates get know me in different facets.
-Class in Class, I felt that my writing improved.

In my opinion the advantages of blogging in the English class were the learning in contact with technology and the possibility that we can express our points of view about different themes... favoring english lenguage development. Relative to advantages I believe that the time gave for write in the blog sometimes was insufficient because we don´t know how to speak a perfect english, only we know the basics,....then we needed time for search unknown words and do a work without redaction wrongs.

I waiting every tuesday for to write in my blog, I loved writing about my favourite anime : Knight of The zodiac and I back to my childhood. Also, for me was very important to write about my best friend : Trombone.

I think the aim of this activity is that we can interact in written form for to be better speakers.

Disadvantages of blog are that I study in Medicine Faculty and English class is in Quinta Normal. Other disadvantage is the short time for to work in this.

Blogging experience helps me to improve my English relative to remember the vocabulary that I had forgotten and also remember rules of redaction. In these aspects blogging experience was very productive for me.
In general I liked my English class but I prefer the interactive ones, for example do posters, do a play, sing songs in english.

Save the last post...

Shitarooo in vacation!!!


martes, 22 de junio de 2010

Trombone..My best friend

Hi everybody...Today I'm going to talk about my best friend: Trombone and my way as trombonist.

Trombone is a musical instrument in the brass family. Like all brass instruments, sound is produced when the player’s vibrating lips, throughan embouchure cause the air column inside the instrument to vibrate.

The word trombone derives from Italian tromba (trumpet) and -one (a suffix meaning "large"), so the name literally means "large trumpet". Trombones and trumpets share the important characteristic of having predominantly cylindrical bores.

There differents types of trombone:

-Tenor trombone in B bemol: is the most common, and in the present is the most used in the classical orchestra, bigband etc.
-Alt trombone in E bemol: Has any concerts but isn't recurrent in concerts.
-Bass trombone in B / E bemol : As tenor trombone is the most common in classical orchestra and has very solos in a Rossiny's scores.

Trombones generally read music in C and scores can be in F or C key.

This instrument isn't easy for to play because hasn't holes or keys that serve to make differents scales. Trombonist with experience has the capacite through his musical ear of to play all scales in seven positions.

but...what is the relation with my life?

When I was 12 years, I entered at Puerto Varas's academy for to learn guitarr and charango.
Friday I had teoric class and for my musical condition my teacher Carlos Ralil tell me about the formation a new jazz band in academy and the posibility that I learn to play trombone.
I was very confused but finally I decided to learn play trombone with Robinson García.

I played in various bands as:

- Puerto Varas BIGBAND : My objective was to be a first trombone. From 2007, I was the first Trombone !!!! ( wiii).
With puerto varas bigband I traveled to differents Chile's places ( Valparaiso, Santiago, Concepcion, Frutillar etc). However our travel most important was in Canada
(Toronto, Waterloo, Montreal, Halifax)

-Banda Municipal Emilio Luppi Gallardo (Frutillar) : I'm the First Trombone and This band has prestige.

-Orchestra "Regional sur"


-Orchestra "filarmonica Puerto Varas"

-Orchestra : Juan Gomez Milla

Trombone is my best friend, from 12 years old is with me and for me is an important part of my life.

Thank's Trombone! I love you!!!


martes, 15 de junio de 2010

SAINT SEIYA: Knights of the Zodiac

Today I'll to write about my favourite television's anime called: Knights of the Zodiac.
The story follows five mystical warriors called the "Saints" who fight wearing sacred armors named "Cloths" , the designs of which derive from the various constellations the characters have adopted as their destined guardian symbols.
their names are:
-Seiya, that is the main character that is in love of Saori Kido. He has the pegasus's cloths.
-Shiryu,is the best friend of Seiya and his cloths is about dragon.
-Hyoga has the swan's cloths.
-Shun has the andromeda's cloths and his brother Ikky that is the Knight of Fenix.

The five boys have the responsability of to defend the reincarnation of the Greek goddes Athena in her battle against the other Olympian gods who want to dominate Earth. This reincarnation is a woman human called Saori Kido.

This history was created by Masami Kurumada in 1986.

I always this serie from child because the history is about Greek and the anthropomorphic gods that govern the human's life.
I believe very interesting the topic of this anime because Knights of the Zodiac learn values as loyalty, honesty and friendship.
My favourite knight of Zodiac is Dragon's Shiryu, because he is mature and wise for to decide any situation. Also I like Shiryu because always fight at final.

Also, I like to buy an action figures of Knights of the Zodiac and at present I have 20 figures with their cloths. This toys are my treasure.

Now, I want to boy all complete serie because is a motivation in my life, I'll be a Knights of the zodiac ( I love this).

In 2006, saint seiya released a new chapters called: Lost Canvas that tell the past of original serie but I think that same is interesting :)

for ever ....for ATENEAªªªª

martes, 8 de junio de 2010

Education+Prevent: HEALTHY LIFE

Hi friends!!!!
Today I'll the write about the prevent and education for a healthy life. As a future midwife, I'll to have differents functions in my work, one function is the healt education in the risk's groups in the community of determinated place. However in any cases for to bet the patient care, we can to work with the family or only one person.
In my career, the educator function is about any topics as: Sexuality, nutrition, pregnancy etc.
The education is esential for a good prevent in different aspect of topics and to reduce risk factors in the society in stuady.
In the education about sexuality; In specific Sexually transmitted infections,for example VIH, I can to promote:
-The use of condoms.
-The correct application of a condoms
-The use of a individual syringes.
-Also, i can to give information about the consecuences of a sexually transmitted infections.
-I can to work, with students of secundary because at this age are sexually active through conversations and practical workshops.

As a future miswife I can to study and specialize in different areas of secundary attention as ITS, for to be a professional with the competences in this area of sexual education.
My favourite area in this career is a Gynecology in primmary attention because in this area I can to act as a doctor and educator.
I hope that to do a well job as a future educator for that my patient will are happy with my capacities and attention in the hospitalary service.

In conclusion, the education in differente people, families and the comunnitty is important for to identify the risk group and in the time to do a prevent about topics that this group and all community need.

Bye.... Rudy

martes, 1 de junio de 2010

Man......a midwife????

"Midwife" is a word which in English was translated to mean "with woman"

Since remote years, the obstetrics is a female labor. For example in Greek and Roman times, midwives functioned as respected, autonomous care providersIto women during their reproductive cycles. Some qualifications for the practice of midwifery began to evolve during this period. For example, in Greece the midwife was a woman who had born children herself. This requirement has remained a commonality in the practice of midwifery throughout several cultures and exists even today. However in the present many men want study Obstetrics because they have the vocation for this career.

I think that a man can to worck better that a woman because he hasn't the same biological sex and the man professional will want "to be" kind and gentle with woman.
The problem are any women that feel afraid to go to a man midwife and they have many embarrassed to be seen ( ajajajajja )

This isn't a problem of a man midwife, is a problem of social education!!, I believe that in other countries does not happen because people have more open minded.

I will be a good midwife and I will want to have many many MANY MANY WOMEN.....COME WITH RUDY gynecological CARE...

bye....Rudy Shitaro

martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Shitaro and his future.

Hello friends!!!! I am in the English class writing about my future as a man midwife.
Is very difficult to think in my life but I have an idea…
When I finish my career I want go to my house in Frutillar because I like not Santiago and people, only I am in this city for one reason: Obstetrics at University of Chile.
For this I want to live in Frutillar with my family.
The first year with my parents I will work at Hospital of Frutillar o Puerto Montt, and I’ll to save money for have a house, a car, a pet etc.
After living with my parents I’ll live in my new house in Frutillar or Puerto Montt because I like these cities from child.
Also I think that the love is important for to complete me as person. I want to be married and have sons as my parents.
Other activities that I want to do are the ballet or play in a jazz club with my best friend: The trombone.
My life will be complete when I study medicine and after Gynaecology for to be an integral midwife with different capacities and skills in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Actually the most important is to be a good person, a good husband and the best obstetrician in the world.

martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Obstetrics....Only Vocation

From child: I like everything about sexuality,female reproductive system, reproduction, fetus and pregnancy.
when I was four years old, in my house I reviewed any medical books of my dad and I felt something special and strange when I looked this photos about pregnancy.
From this moment of my life, I thought that my future will be about this topics.
After, at five years old I entered the Madre de Dios School in frutillar. (Kinder course)
My first oral exposure was at six years old and the topic was the pregnancy. I felt very comfortable with this exposure because I loved this topic. My parents helped me in the development of my oral exposure, and my dad that works in the Hospital, got me a fetus of three-month.

In really, I do not know the real cause about the why I love this career But only I know my future and my life is with Obstetrics.
I think that Obstetrics is my vocation because feel I that have the capacity for:
- help to differents women in the pregnancy and help to differents babies in the perfect development.

I not only help women and babies for the work, I will help them because I love this career and my body is united in a special way to obstetrics and childcare.
By all this reasons and other that I do not know, I decided to study Obstetrics in the first Univiersity with the best reputation : Universidad de Chile.

In the development of the career, I discovered a world very good with many new information of Obstetrics. Mi love and vocation increase for example with embriology by Mariana Rojas because from child I like the embryos and the fetus. Also other course that impacted me was Phisiologycal Obstetrics in this year.

The career has only strengthened my vocation!!!!

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

I have a very good page : Babysitio

Babysitio is a Spanish site dedicated to the preconception, pregnancy and baby.
Has the content more comprehensive with information week to week and other characteristics of pregnancy.
The principal topics are:

-Preconception: Getting starter, fertility problems, prenatal health, Sex of baby and signs and symptoms.

-Pregnancy: Her physical activity (Mother), complications, multiple pregancy, Fetal development, nutrition and weight etc.

-Baby and the principal characteristic.

Babysitio has a way of displaying where you can search different topics, for example: embryonic and fetal development, physiological characteristics of the pregnant woman.
Also it,has a comunity in where mothers can talk about theyr experiences trough a xat and has other services as online shopping for to buy several baby products.
This site is an important page for to help mothers in theyr process.
I like this page because is interesting and very complete, has real information and the most important, with easy and comprehensive vocabulary.
In my study's area this site has information about neonatology, obstetrics and gynecology.
I usually visit every Friday and Saturday this page, because i have to solve clinical cases of Obstetrics
I recommend this site to my classmates because babysitio has complete information for the study in our career and as all mothers in the world.
The link of this page is: www.babysitio.com

Visit IT!!!!


domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Dancing by Elisa (8)

Time is gonna take my mind
and carry it far away where I can fly
The depth of life will dim the temptation to live for you
If I were to be alone silence would rock my tears
'cause it's all about love and I know better
How life is a waving feather

So I put my arms around you around you
And I know that I'll be living soon

My eyes are on you they're on you
And you see that I can't stop shaking
No, I won't step back but I'll look down to hide from your eyes
'cause what I feel is so sweet and I'm scared that even my own breath
Oh could burst it if it were a bubble
And I'd better dream if I have to struggle

So I put my arms around you around you
And I hope that I will do no wrong
My eyes are on you they're on you
And I hope that you won't hurt me

I'm dancing in the room as if I was in the woods with you
No need for anything but music
Music's the reason why I know time still exists
Time still exists
Time still exists

So I put my arms around you around you
And I hope that I will do no wrong
My eyes are on you they're on you
And I hope that you won't hurt me
So I put my arms around you around you
And I hope that I will do no wrong
My eyes are on you they're on you
And I hope that you won't hurt me

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

My experience in the earthquake.

First, I want to say that I live in Frutillar but now I stay in Santiago because study at Universidad de Chile ( Santiago)
The day of the earthquake I was in Frutillar, and I was sleeping.
My cat went to sleep with me (4.am), but I thought, it is not important.
The next day my parents told me that at 4 am shook in Frutillar. When the electricity came back I heard about the earthquake and the consequences.

Welcome to shitaro blog!!!

Hi!!!, My name is Rudy and I'm 19 years old and I study obstetric at the universidad de chile.
I'm very happy with the creation of this blog and I want tell you my experiences in this beautiful career : "Obstetrics" and why I love this.
I wish be a good midwife and I want help at medicine about of obstetric, Gynecology, Cancer etc.
I think that the pregnancy is a stage very important in the human life and I want that you learn this.
the objectives of my blog is learn to write, read in english for to comunicate with other people.
this blog will be fun, and will have a good information.

Bye...with love...the future man midwife : Shitaro_________