martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Obstetrics....Only Vocation

From child: I like everything about sexuality,female reproductive system, reproduction, fetus and pregnancy.
when I was four years old, in my house I reviewed any medical books of my dad and I felt something special and strange when I looked this photos about pregnancy.
From this moment of my life, I thought that my future will be about this topics.
After, at five years old I entered the Madre de Dios School in frutillar. (Kinder course)
My first oral exposure was at six years old and the topic was the pregnancy. I felt very comfortable with this exposure because I loved this topic. My parents helped me in the development of my oral exposure, and my dad that works in the Hospital, got me a fetus of three-month.

In really, I do not know the real cause about the why I love this career But only I know my future and my life is with Obstetrics.
I think that Obstetrics is my vocation because feel I that have the capacity for:
- help to differents women in the pregnancy and help to differents babies in the perfect development.

I not only help women and babies for the work, I will help them because I love this career and my body is united in a special way to obstetrics and childcare.
By all this reasons and other that I do not know, I decided to study Obstetrics in the first Univiersity with the best reputation : Universidad de Chile.

In the development of the career, I discovered a world very good with many new information of Obstetrics. Mi love and vocation increase for example with embriology by Mariana Rojas because from child I like the embryos and the fetus. Also other course that impacted me was Phisiologycal Obstetrics in this year.

The career has only strengthened my vocation!!!!

9 comentarios:

  1. Yes ! This career is the BEST :D

    I see you, take care :)

  2. Hello rudy!!!
    I think that it´s amazing that your father has Brought a fetus for you when you were at school!!!
    See you tomorrow, I liked very much how you love the career ;)
    bye bye

  3. Hello Rudy
    I think that is amazing that your father has brought you a fetus when you were at school.
    See you tomorrow.
    bye bye
    *(Sorry if I posted many times here, but I don´t know what happened with the other posts, because I can´t see them :s)

  4. Rudy
    you´re one exception, with most of our classmates with whom I discussed, this was not his first choice of study and you're the first person who has decided as a child
    You will be an great Matron!!!

  5. rudy your photo is very nice!
    i love obstetrics too
    see you :D

  6. rudy...

    XD regards matroñoño!!!

  7. Hi rudy!
    is very nice your history!
    and i love your pick! :)
    very cute!!

    obstetrics is the best!!

    kiss! bye

  8. hi rudy!!!!!
    you were born and will die obstetrician
    have a great vocations!!!


  9. Hi Rudy, I think you really have vocaction for this career, hope you enjoy you'r trip, see you on monday
