lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010

It's my Opinion!....Levonorgestrel

Hello friends. Well I was very sick and I could not go to Dr. Valenzuela's exposicion.
Really I have not the necesary argument for writte about this topic, however I read the paper by Dr. Valenzuela that is important, elemental and necesary for my carrier because this document talks about emergency contraception. This topic is important for my future formation and in this POST,I will express my opinion. (ajajjaa)

For differents reasons,(My family's education,favourites topics, my carrier and religion) I think that emergency contraception is the best human's invention because I belive that an unwanted pregnancy is a real problem in the life of people.
Is an ethical problem? Who defined that is good or bad?

We are imperfect!!, and we can make mistakes. In chile and other countries uses a contraception called levonorgestrel.
In low condition, levonorgestrel is used as oral contraceptive but also Levonorgestrel is used as an emergency contraceptive pill in combination with so-called Yuzpe method, which includes estrogen, as in a unique formulation of levonorgestrel.

The mechanism of an emergency contraceptives are:
-Void Ovulation
-Blocks the transport of sperm
-Transform endometrial's walls and void in the implantation.

The efect is during 72 hours (after an unprotected sex)

I believe that is very necesary for us, to know this information because a midwife canes the responsability of comunicate to people about this metod.

Well, It is my opinion about this emergency contraception!!
I hope that you have a good holidays!!!!

bye bye.... rudy

4 comentarios:

  1. :o You wrote the post again! hahaha!
    I want to say you only one thing:
    You're so rude!!

  2. thank's my dear Paulie
    you are very cool!!!

  3. Hi Rudy!

    I´m agree with you, the unwanted pregnancy is a big problem, because is very sad that a mother don´t love her baby; I think this situation is worse that take a pill to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

    See you in class, take care, bye

  4. Hi Victor,

    Eventhough you didn't attend the talk you`ve managed to PROVOKE with your post. Clearly you have got an opinion about this issue!!

    Remember to use IT before the expression "It is necessary". Also, never use plural with adjectives....different reasons (no differents).

