martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Shitaro and his future.

Hello friends!!!! I am in the English class writing about my future as a man midwife.
Is very difficult to think in my life but I have an idea…
When I finish my career I want go to my house in Frutillar because I like not Santiago and people, only I am in this city for one reason: Obstetrics at University of Chile.
For this I want to live in Frutillar with my family.
The first year with my parents I will work at Hospital of Frutillar o Puerto Montt, and I’ll to save money for have a house, a car, a pet etc.
After living with my parents I’ll live in my new house in Frutillar or Puerto Montt because I like these cities from child.
Also I think that the love is important for to complete me as person. I want to be married and have sons as my parents.
Other activities that I want to do are the ballet or play in a jazz club with my best friend: The trombone.
My life will be complete when I study medicine and after Gynaecology for to be an integral midwife with different capacities and skills in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Actually the most important is to be a good person, a good husband and the best obstetrician in the world.

martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Obstetrics....Only Vocation

From child: I like everything about sexuality,female reproductive system, reproduction, fetus and pregnancy.
when I was four years old, in my house I reviewed any medical books of my dad and I felt something special and strange when I looked this photos about pregnancy.
From this moment of my life, I thought that my future will be about this topics.
After, at five years old I entered the Madre de Dios School in frutillar. (Kinder course)
My first oral exposure was at six years old and the topic was the pregnancy. I felt very comfortable with this exposure because I loved this topic. My parents helped me in the development of my oral exposure, and my dad that works in the Hospital, got me a fetus of three-month.

In really, I do not know the real cause about the why I love this career But only I know my future and my life is with Obstetrics.
I think that Obstetrics is my vocation because feel I that have the capacity for:
- help to differents women in the pregnancy and help to differents babies in the perfect development.

I not only help women and babies for the work, I will help them because I love this career and my body is united in a special way to obstetrics and childcare.
By all this reasons and other that I do not know, I decided to study Obstetrics in the first Univiersity with the best reputation : Universidad de Chile.

In the development of the career, I discovered a world very good with many new information of Obstetrics. Mi love and vocation increase for example with embriology by Mariana Rojas because from child I like the embryos and the fetus. Also other course that impacted me was Phisiologycal Obstetrics in this year.

The career has only strengthened my vocation!!!!

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

I have a very good page : Babysitio

Babysitio is a Spanish site dedicated to the preconception, pregnancy and baby.
Has the content more comprehensive with information week to week and other characteristics of pregnancy.
The principal topics are:

-Preconception: Getting starter, fertility problems, prenatal health, Sex of baby and signs and symptoms.

-Pregnancy: Her physical activity (Mother), complications, multiple pregancy, Fetal development, nutrition and weight etc.

-Baby and the principal characteristic.

Babysitio has a way of displaying where you can search different topics, for example: embryonic and fetal development, physiological characteristics of the pregnant woman.
Also it,has a comunity in where mothers can talk about theyr experiences trough a xat and has other services as online shopping for to buy several baby products.
This site is an important page for to help mothers in theyr process.
I like this page because is interesting and very complete, has real information and the most important, with easy and comprehensive vocabulary.
In my study's area this site has information about neonatology, obstetrics and gynecology.
I usually visit every Friday and Saturday this page, because i have to solve clinical cases of Obstetrics
I recommend this site to my classmates because babysitio has complete information for the study in our career and as all mothers in the world.
The link of this page is:

Visit IT!!!!


domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Dancing by Elisa (8)

Time is gonna take my mind
and carry it far away where I can fly
The depth of life will dim the temptation to live for you
If I were to be alone silence would rock my tears
'cause it's all about love and I know better
How life is a waving feather

So I put my arms around you around you
And I know that I'll be living soon

My eyes are on you they're on you
And you see that I can't stop shaking
No, I won't step back but I'll look down to hide from your eyes
'cause what I feel is so sweet and I'm scared that even my own breath
Oh could burst it if it were a bubble
And I'd better dream if I have to struggle

So I put my arms around you around you
And I hope that I will do no wrong
My eyes are on you they're on you
And I hope that you won't hurt me

I'm dancing in the room as if I was in the woods with you
No need for anything but music
Music's the reason why I know time still exists
Time still exists
Time still exists

So I put my arms around you around you
And I hope that I will do no wrong
My eyes are on you they're on you
And I hope that you won't hurt me
So I put my arms around you around you
And I hope that I will do no wrong
My eyes are on you they're on you
And I hope that you won't hurt me